This year is flying past and we thought it would be a good chance as the seasons change to take stock of everything that has happened and all that is about to happen. It seems every day there is a new development and a new little part of this brand upscales and it proves tricky to remember exactly what happened and when. There is so much positivity around all that we are doing and we are so happy and grateful that you are here on this journey with us!
It has been a very busy few months with life bustling at the seams, and now here we are in October and we can’t quite believe it actually! We wanted to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and show you a little about what we have been doing and what we are working towards.
So what is it all about, how are we living a more sustainable and eco life?
Summer Update!
Here is a brief look at what we got up to through Summer at Amie Alissa Design:
- We have been filming and photographing so much content for the So Sew Cafe and we can’t wait to share it with you once we get round to editing it!! I think we may have to start sharing stuff over the internet via face 2 face there is so much on my list I want to share with you but just not enough time in the day at the moment!!
- We have however had to have a bit of a break from our Virtual Repair Cafe and also from social media in general. This has allowed us to take stock of things and look at how things are progressing, so our apologies if you have missed us, you can always watch the replays on YouTube! It has been really useful though taking some much needed time out for reflection as you can see from recent blogs!
- We did a pre-sale announcement and launch for our Patreon account which has been so much fun, filming videos, writing blog posts and new website pages too.
I am going to leave it at that for the summer round up, that will give you time to soak up this little lot first then we will be back next season with even more…amie x
Check out our playlists on YouTube!
We have both the #repaircafe and #sosewcafe featured.
New and improved playlists we are super proud of!
Upcoming this Autumn!
Here is a brief look at what we have coming up for Autumn with Amie Alissa Design:
- Group ‘zoom’ tutorials on how to get back to using your sewing machine in the So Sew Cafe
- Resuming our weekly Virtual Repair Cafe! – Could be any week day (keep an eye on on our social media pages
- Pre-sale for our online make your own favourite item of clothing from scratch course in the So Sew Cafe
- Coming up in the Blog this month we will be talking about single use plastics, and contoured DIY face masks, how to set up your own refill shop in the Circular Brand Cafe
- There will be some exciting announcements for the Circular Brand Development service we offer, so keep an eye on your inbox if you would like to know more for your business.
- We are currently working on all sorts of mini projects so I know there will be even more content coming. In the mean time you can follow and subscribe to the brand using the icons (yes there are lots I know) just pick one that suits you, you do not need to follow them all!! Although it really does make me wonder where and when I have time to do it all!!

We launched our ‘Be a Patron‘ subscriptions!
So saving the best to the last (well the most exciting part for me) is the ‘Be a Patron’ announcement. It has taken a while to gather the thought process for this. As in I have wanted to develop this kind offering and service for a long very long, long long time now, yet I did not know quite how to do it.
I took part in an Online Vision Board session and it was one of the best things I could have done for me at the time. In fact I talk about it in Episode 2 of the Sisters Under The Stars podcast which will be released on Sunday 9th August 2020. An enlightening moment occurred during one of the meditations and it all came flooding in to me. I knew exactly what to do and how to do it (don’t you just love it when that happens!) In fact that reminds me I must do a blog about that too!!
So from that ‘Vision’ came the Circular Brand Cafe and our new service offering Circular Brand Development which if that wasn’t enough I found a way to then bring in the tiered memberships that I had had floating around in my head for what seems like years. I remembered reading about Patreon and thinking, nah that seems too soon and to big a thing for us to do, we are not ready yet! Well you are ready when you are ready…
And here we are, welcome to ‘Be a Patron’ a total and utter culmination of everything the brand has been working tirelessly for for the last year and a bit.Join us – Be a Patron. It is a bit of the Repair Cafe. A bit of the So Sew Cafe. Definitely a lot of the Circular Brand Cafe. A huge chunk of the Circular Brand Development Service. And hopefully heaps of YOU and lots of energy to work towards a #GreenRecovery fighting #ClimateChange and a route to only one kind of fashion and that is #slowfashion
I can’t wait to connect with you in anyway you choose. Perhaps see you in a ‘Cafe’ soon!! amie x
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