Do you know someone that wants to use their sewing machine but just can’t quite find the time? Or perhaps they simply don’t feel confident in using it. Maybe it was a gift from a loved one, maybe just maybe they don’t know how to use it but wish they did?!
Or perhaps your sewing machine has been left all alone and gaining a great collection of dust? Do you need a little confidence boost in order for you to use it, max out its potential and get sewing?

Well you have come to the right place! We are here to show you exactly how to do that and get you using that sewing machine again in no time.
We offer various methods to get you using that beautiful new or old sewing machine back to its expertise.
- Online video tutorials
- e-guides
- e-books
- plus even one to one and or group online video tutorials!
I know so many options! We can get you up and running (well perhaps not running but a gentle walking pace) before you know it!
You see it is all about confidence and patience with these things we call sewing machines. The instructions appear easy to follow but as soon as something goes array it can cause mass panic.
It’s just a machine, it does what you tell it. I have lost count of times I have told my students over the years “it’s just like driving a car, you have to remember you are in control” and that was with the industrial machines we were using at the college.
Let me give you a bit of background as to why I might be able to teach you how to use your sewing machine!!!
Well… in a land far away there once was a little girl who dreamed of needles, thread and fabric…
I have been sewing using a domestic sewing machine since I was a young girl. Taught to sew initially by my mum and following her close guidance. Plus watching a Grandma who was always keen for craft. Coupled that with a general keen interest to study, lead to me doing Textiles at GCSE and then, as I had no idea what else to do knowing that I was ‘quite good at it’, I decided to do an A-Level in it Textiles too! Well only one thing for it, might as well get the hat trick and study Fashion and Textiles at university, yeah why not get a BA Hons in it!!
So that is my strong educational background in textiles and sewing, however it does not stop there, no siree!
My extensive career, sewing and designing and pattern cutting and teaching and everything else in between (I’m sure there is something I must be missing?!)
- Working for a year following graduating as freelancer bridal wear designer
- then up next Design Administrator
- next Designer
- next Design Manager and Maker
- next Freelance Designer and Fashion Photographer
- next Fashion and Textiles Lecturer (for 10 years!)
- next Amie Alissa Design (eco extraordinaire) was born and the rest my friends is history!
There were of course other things that occurred within these years (over 20 of them!), in a nutshell though that is a pretty good synopsis of my varied Fashion and Textiles career to date!
So where were we? Oh yes back to how to get back to using your sewing machine.
If you need help, support, assistance with this. We are certainly the business to get in touch with. You could sign up to our NEW course via the So Sew Cafe….
This course is…
A simple easy instructional tutorial with our expert tutor on How to Use Your Sewing Machine. This is a great gift idea for someone you know just needs a little nudge to be able to get their machine out and use it, finally!!
Amie Watson
Or perhaps you may want a little one-on-one time which we offer too.
Maybe if this is for a loved one, as a nice thoughtful gift for their birthday or Christmas or just because you love them, you could get them a gift voucher for the course (this one goes down well) – or just purchase it for them or suggest it to them!
If this is for yourself, you may need time to decide if this is a good idea or not, if you want or are ready to invest in this dedicated time for you. Please feel free to reach out and ask us any questions or queries you may have.
Maybe you are not quite ready, and that is of course okay, you could simply sign up to our newsletter and watch your inbox to be the first to see our upcoming offers! Plenty of sales coming up before winter and we will have some exciting announcements over the next few months too, so you won’t want to miss out on those!
Get yourself on the list now!
Sign up to How to Use Your Sewing Machine Course!
Or just sign up already, what have you got to lose, nothing. Go on do it you know you want to!!! Easy as one two three… click on the link below to take you to the Eco Courses section of the shop website right now!!!!!!!

All of our courses are provided by our expert tutor Amie Watson from Amie Alissa Design and brought to you as Eco Courses – you can see what other courses we run too, see if you fancy one of them swell or perhaps another gift voucher for a friend?! Either way once you start you won’t want to stop this eco trip and an sustainable education is the way forwards. See you in there!
amie x

Thank you so much for this guide. Many authors forget how much they know and assume we know things. These articles have been very helpful.